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Maha Ghoname

Company history

Maha Ghoneme

Founder & Managing Director

I started as a prospective student where I pursued a Master’s degree in a related field to my previous studies, in the United States, and as a prospective professional as I pursued with equivalenting the pharmacy degree that I obtained from out of state in the U.S. During my Journey, I’ve struggled with gathering information as everything I needed to learn was not in one place and I had no one to ask for personal advice from, other than travel agencies for guidance with finding schools and preparing for the student visa.

Nevertheless, I managed to find the school I joined on my own, as it was not on the list of schools that these agencies provided me with. As for my equivalency journey, the only resource I had was the Facebook study groups to ask people for advice. The problem with these pages is that not everyone is willing to share their time to give you a quick rundown of the process and share with you their own personal experience This is why I decided to start Abroad Board to help other people like me connect with students that have already graduated and have joined the U.S working force.

We got you covered

From Visa Guidance, Education to Work opportunities.

Abroad Board is a platform that allows prospective students and professionals to connect with other peers who have studied and worked in the U.S for several years.

This connection is offered in the form of consultation services which allows students to gain insights about the schools, experiences, expenses, and visa process from a list of Alumni individuals that they choose according to their major of study, city of interest and more.

Consultation services will also be offered for prospective graduates of doctorate, pharmacy, and engineering programs who are willing to go through the steps of equivalency in the united states but are unsure where to begin. In addition to that, the platform will also provide educational and learning materials to help students pass certain exams.

Ignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. Sint occaecatii gnissimos ducimus. Occaecatii gnissimos ducimus.

Justin Lee


Atque ignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti  corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. Sint occaecatii gnissimos. Occaecatii gnissimos ducimus.

Kathy Gordon

Business Owner

Ducimus ignissimos qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. Sint occaecatii gnissimos ducimus. Occaecatii gnissimos ducimus.

Louis Moore

Office Manager
Latest courses

Our Courses

Data visualization course
Advanced UI/UX design course
Introduction to web development